Monday, July 26, 2010


wOw sO, I haven't bLOgged in what?? 3 mOnths and 13 days! it's been a minute... but, hey! I'm here, nOw.

Life in the past three mOnths has been mOst educatiOnaL, I feeL I have grOwn, seen aLOt and ,surprisingLy, managed tO dO aLOt!

I met sOmeOne, feLL inLove and, then, Out Of LOve, again! I LOst sOme OLd friends and gained new friends, and mOst impOrtantLy, I Learned new things.

In my OpiniOn, Learning new things is essentiaL, yOu need tO keep with the times and, even, mature a LittLe!

Ok, sO the mOst impOrtant thing that I Learnt is that "it's better the deviL yOu knOw, than the deviL you dOn't knOw" and what I'd aLways said when peOpLe said that, is: "nO deviLs, fOr me, thank yOu!". sO, it dawned On me, nOt aLL mine peOpLes are angeLic! That, hOwever, dOesn't mean I LOve them Less, it just means I knOw hOw they rOLL, nOw. thank yOu, fOr that LessOn, hOmies!

I, aLsO, Learnt that it might be nice tO max Out with gay guys, and they are aLOt Of fun, but I dOn't Like being arOund aLOt Of them, at a time, and Oh, ya I dOn't Like them much. The thing is, I'm singLe, right, and there they are, dating each Other, whiLe I need a man! Did I mentiOn hOw extremeLy gOod LOoking sOme Of these bOys are?! It is nOt fair! and there are aLready mOre wOmen than men, in this wOrLd! we dOn't need that draw back, as weLL!!!!

befOre I spend the whOLe century writing abOut the thing I've Learnt, I'm gOnna stOp writing, right nOw!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

make yOu feeL my LOve- adeLe

This is the mOst beatifuL[Lest] sOng ever!! I can't wait 'tiL I feeL Like this abOut sOmeOne. fOr nOw, I wOuLd Like tO dedicate this sOng tO ALL THE PEOPLE I LOVE: mama, Hle, Thab, Keys, razz'barri bOmpi, AurOra, LemOni and errrybOdy eLse!

When the rain is bLOwing in yOur face
and the whOLe wOrLd is On yOur case
I cOuLd Offer yOu a warm embrace
tO make you feel my LOve

when the evening shadOws and the stars appear
and there is nO One there tO dry yOur tears
I cOuLd hOLd yOu fOr a miLLiOn years
tO make yOu feeL my LOve

I knOw yOu haven't made yOur mind up yet
but I wOuLd never dO yOu wrOng
I've knOwn it frOm the mOment that we met
nO dOubt in my mind where yOu beLOng

I'd gO hungry I'd gO bLack and bLue
I'd gO crawLing dOwn the avenue
nO there's nOthing that I wouldn't dO
tO make yOu feeL my LOve

the stOrms are raging On the rOLLing sea
and On the highway Of regret
though winds Of change are bLOwing wiLd and free
yOu ain't seen nOthing Like me yet

I cOuLd make yOu happy make yOur dreams cOme true
nOthing that I wOuLdn't dO
gO tO the ends Of the earth fOr yOu
tO make yOu feel my LOve

tO make yOu feeL my LOve

institutiOn Of Learning*

sO this mOrning, I gOt wOken up by a teLephOne caLL... aLmOst fOrgOt that it was the day that I had DECIDED tO start schOoL On, tOday! [mind yOu, schOoL Opened On the 12th April].

Ok! sO, having missed the first day Of schOoL, yesterday, I naturaLLy feeL Like I'm sOmewhat 'Out Of the LOop' sO tO speak, and nOt reaLLy sure hOw tO feeL abOut this day. but, hey... my 'first day Of term' has tO happen at sOme pOint [and the sOOner the better, right?], sO I put a pin On thOse feeLings, and Off tO schOoL, I gO!! nOt fOrgetting that I had tO LOok that extra bit phLyyy, as I make my grand enterance.

hOnestLy speaking schOoL has becOme a rituaL that I dO haLf-heartedLy, these days! I dO it 'cause I gOtta, I guess It's nO LOnger that pLace yOu gOt tO, with a hOp and a skip... it's just bOOoooring OL' schOoL... and the idiOts that never seem tO mind their Own business dO nOt make the experience any mOre fun!

hOwever, what I've cOme tO reaLise [tOday], is that I am very very fOrtunate tO be part the institutiOn that I am part Of. Being a part Of the best in my trade, the eLite! I say the name Of my schOoL with a LOt Of pride, confidence and a sense Of Ownership. sOme dOn't get the priveLege Of gOing thrOugh tO higher educatiOn, let aLOne gOing tO the best schOoL there is [in their given fieLd]. aLL Of my mixed emOtiOns frOm the mOrning have, nOw, transfOrmed tO a sense Of gratitude tO whOever's LOoking Out fOr me. I thank yOu fOr my fOrtune and sOme Of the hardships yOu thrOw my way, because I knOw that they will all play a role in my, fuLLy, becOming the best [the beyyst] One day.

I have, nOw, DECIDED tO cherish my schOoL days and dO as best I can [cOme what may], because sOmeOne had tO have beLieved in me fOr me tO be here.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I miss yOu, Keys!!! :(

Ok... sO.... the thing is...

A reaLLy gOod friend Of mine mOved back hOme at the beginning Of this year [frOm Cape tOwn tO BLOem]... and it feeLs Like she's been gOne fOrever.

nOt OnLy was she my friend, but she was my sister, mOther [at times] and drinking partner [dOn't judge me!]... we Laughed, we cried and we hated men tOgether, she, being the wise wOman that she is, Often gave me reaLLy awesOme advice and tOok great care Of me when I was intOxicated [ehe]...

OMIGAWSH! I'm writing abOut her Like she's dead!! she's aLive, fOr the recOrd... just reaLLy far away ehehehe

Like she sO prOfOundLy put it: 'bleak days >< i miss my zula dancing, screw all men, drink all day, smoke al nite super awesum sister from another mother.'

yOu knOw what they say about peOpLe nOt getting the fLOwers whiLe thay can stiLL smeLL them; weLL Keys, here are yOur fLOwers, smeLL them: I thank yOu fOr being sOo awesOme, Mr JeffersOn! eheheeh... One day, I'LL take yOu up my wishing tree... and, yes, I LOve yOu waaay mOre than KB ever wiLL [he's sOOO jeaLOus!]...

P.S I've been sOber since yOu Left, wiLL drink when yOu return!!! I refuse tO 'drank' withOut my partner...

ManBearPig :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

me and mOre Of mine peOpLes*

gOod times in P.E
me and KEYS!!!!!

penthOuse aint nO mickey mOuse hOuse!

me and mine peOpLes*

strOberry juice*

Seeing as this is my first bLOg, Ima write abOut myseLf, where I cOme frOm, what I dO, what I Like, whO I Like [eheh]- a bit Of backgrOund tO stOry, yOu knOw, just a LittLe intrO!

My full name is Bajabulile Sivuyisiwe Dlamini-Qwesha, daughter Of Thembisa Qwesha and Bongani Dlamini.

My birth place is Natal [South Africa], I am the secOnd Of three children [mOm's side], the fOurth Of five On my dad's side. Yes, it is quite the fam!

My fOlks never married, sO, I live with my mOm and twO siblings. I cOmpleted my matric at Sans Souci Girls' High School, twO years agO.

The three fields I have cOnsidered wOrking in are fashiOn, advertising dramatic arts- fashiOn being my first chOice. I, then, ended up in advertising [AAA School of Advertising], I love it, but fashiOn will always dOminate!

SO, as my names have, already, indicated- I'm a happy persOn! I laugh a lOt, listen tO a lOt Of music, watch a lOt Of Ftv, cOok and eat a lOt and I dance a lOt, tOo.

whO I like???? hmmm well, I'm single, right nOw, and I'm starting tO think that maybe, men are nOt fOr me... the funny part is that I fall inlove everyday, half Of the things I fall inlove with being men! *sigh* there's nO hOpe!

sO, yea!! that's that! and mOst there is tO knOw abOut me! X