Okay, nO seriOusly! hate aside, let's give prOps when they are due! I absOlutely lOve Emma Watson's [Of Harry Potter fame] fashiOn style, she just never disappOints!!
sO like, Mamzi, blazers are fOr everyOne... really! it just depends On hOw yOu wanna wear them, and yOu can pretty much wear them with anything- frOm skinnies tO shOrts tO dresses tO jumpsuits tO parachute pants. Anything! and, cOnsidering that yOu have a tall and lean figure, yOu can pretty much take it and run with it! sO, here are a few pics Of blazers that yOu can cOnsider:
Ugg bOots are really the wOrst thing tO have ever happened tO humans! Like really, these bOots lOok hideOus, I cannOt imagine why anybOdy wOuld wanna wear them! In any way, shape Or fOrm, ugg bOots are a nO-nO!!