Breakfast has tO be my favOurite meal Of the day! It literally sets the tOne fOr the rest my day... well that and how I feel abOut the Outfit that I'm wearing.
I'm gOing thrOugh a phase where I put either cinnamOn Or cayenne pepper [Or bOth, if the meal allows] On whatever I'm eating. I always used tO question hOw people cOuld substitute cinnamOn fOr sugar, but I totally get it nOw! Well, I am One Of those peOple, sO it Only makes sense that I dO.
In terms Of breakfast cereal, I've always been a big fan Of bran flakes [that's if I'm nOt having cOcO pOps *facepalm*], I think they taste really gOod and keep yOu full fOreveeeever!
On the Other hand, I've never really been intO Oatmeal, I used tO think it was tOtally disgusting; until I realised that I can have it raw with a bit Of yOghurt and a handful Of nuts, my faves being almOnds and cashews.
Okay, sO tOday's breakfast is a half Oatmeal and half bran flakes, sOme Greek yOghurt, half a banana and a sprinkle Of cinnamOn.