Monday, July 26, 2010


wOw sO, I haven't bLOgged in what?? 3 mOnths and 13 days! it's been a minute... but, hey! I'm here, nOw.

Life in the past three mOnths has been mOst educatiOnaL, I feeL I have grOwn, seen aLOt and ,surprisingLy, managed tO dO aLOt!

I met sOmeOne, feLL inLove and, then, Out Of LOve, again! I LOst sOme OLd friends and gained new friends, and mOst impOrtantLy, I Learned new things.

In my OpiniOn, Learning new things is essentiaL, yOu need tO keep with the times and, even, mature a LittLe!

Ok, sO the mOst impOrtant thing that I Learnt is that "it's better the deviL yOu knOw, than the deviL you dOn't knOw" and what I'd aLways said when peOpLe said that, is: "nO deviLs, fOr me, thank yOu!". sO, it dawned On me, nOt aLL mine peOpLes are angeLic! That, hOwever, dOesn't mean I LOve them Less, it just means I knOw hOw they rOLL, nOw. thank yOu, fOr that LessOn, hOmies!

I, aLsO, Learnt that it might be nice tO max Out with gay guys, and they are aLOt Of fun, but I dOn't Like being arOund aLOt Of them, at a time, and Oh, ya I dOn't Like them much. The thing is, I'm singLe, right, and there they are, dating each Other, whiLe I need a man! Did I mentiOn hOw extremeLy gOod LOoking sOme Of these bOys are?! It is nOt fair! and there are aLready mOre wOmen than men, in this wOrLd! we dOn't need that draw back, as weLL!!!!

befOre I spend the whOLe century writing abOut the thing I've Learnt, I'm gOnna stOp writing, right nOw!