Friday, June 28, 2013

Fvck Your Favourite*

Ms Bey updated her Tumblr... my life has meaning again!
I lOve this Outfit, tOtally sOmething I'd wear.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Spring In My Step :)*

whO said winter has tO be all dull and grey?

I lOove! lOve these pants! I gOt them by pure chance, I was walking past the stOre and saw that they they were marked dOwn, I didn't even hesitate! cOlOur + print = :)! I alsO lOve texture, sO, it wOuld gO withOuth saying that I'd layer away!
This feather neckpiece is alsO a favourite Of mine! It's just seemed tO survive the years as Others cOme and gO!
#Winnning :p

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Denim shirt, camO skinnies and a beige knit... that's that life that we're living these days! today's nOt as cOld as yesterday, but it is nippy....
I'm actually at the pOint where I am way tOo lazy tO change this bag. Like, all my stuff fits in here! sO, I'm gOnna have tO make sure that everything that I wear gOes with it. That won't be tOo difficult! 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Knits & Crannies*

clOse tO where I live [like, literally, around the cOrner] is a little dam, sO this means that we suffer from extra cOld weather. Like, Jozi is Only starting tO get cOld,  but we're already On Winter 2.0!
sO, standing here, taking these pics I am freezing my behind Off and I'm nOt even sure if I'm layered up enough, that time I'm already six layers deep!

if I gOt paid tO keep my mOuth clOsed, I'd prOlly be sitting On R0.5

But Okay! I figured a knit maxi dress wOuld be the best OptiOn fOr tOday: I like this dress a lOt! Like, nOt sO lOng agO I had dressed it up, sky-scraper heels, statement neckpiece, clutch and all but tOday I can thrOw it On with a cardi and bOoties! If that's nOt a winning fOrmula then I dOn't knOw what is! AlsO, I die fOr a cinched waist!
Psssssst wOuld yOu believe me if I said I bOught this cardi fOr R5? Okay, then. Bye!

Monday, June 10, 2013

bOots with the fur*

Sunday was On a very chilled tip. We hOoked up with my friend whO was having the hOusewarming tO have some left-Over bOoze and just kick back.

sicel' amafleyt, s'cel' amafleyt!! [I'm ratchet, this can't be helped]

withOut the fur.

with the fur buttOned up.

These are the Other stOckings that I mentiOned in the blue pOst. They carried me thrOugh sOme rOugh times! I need tO make time tO find replacements, befOre these get completely wOrn!
As yOu can probably tell frOm the glOominess in the pics, the temperatures have started tO plummet in Jozi and my fur gilets and cOssacks are nOw at the fOre Of my clOset! 

P.S My ObsessiOn with fur is abOut tO becOme mOre apparent.

fOr a day abOut tOwn*

My Saturday was actually quite busy! yOu knOw, thOse days where yOu almOst spread yourself tOo thin and make cOmmitments tO gO everywhere with everyone, ya!
Eventually I figured Out a way tO cOordinate everything and make sure I get 'rOund tO dOing all that I had set Out tO: It started Off with a mOrning at the Randburg Flea Market [lOoking fOr a hOusewarming gift], then I mOved On tO the NeighbOurgOods market fOr a brunch date with a new friend and an Old friend, afterwards I headed tO a friend's braai/ hOusewarming in Bryanston. After which, I ended up at The Joy of Jazz in Gold Reef City.
It was jam packed, right!? The cOol thing was that I was in bed by midnight, like a gOod girl! :)
Anyway, this is what I wOre:

My mOm gOt me this brOwn leather bag, Or she might have gOt it fOr my little sister and I swapped her a red leather bag fOr it, I can't recall at this time. Anyway, it is my absOlute favOurite! fOr Obvious reasOns. I alsO really like my affOrdable imitatiOn Of the Chloe 'Susan' bOotie, I find myself reaching fOr it mOre Often than nOt!

It'll be blue :)*

Okay, I drafted this pOst On Friday with the intention Of publishing it On the same day, but my day gOt sO manic I just didn't have the time!

When I wOke up this mOrning all I knew was that I wanted tO wear my blue stOckings, and sO everything else that I picked was centred arOund that! I had bOught these stOckings last winter and never really gOt tO wear them much because they're just sOo blue and there isn't really much yOu can wear them with. That and the fact that I have these Other mauve Ones that are a guaranteed winner, sO naturally I gave them mOre air time when it came time tO add cOlOur tO an Outfit.
One Of the things I thOrOughly enjOy abOut the cOlder mOnths is the layering and hOw yOu can play arOund with clOthes [in this case hOsiery] tO add different dimensiOns tO an Outfit. What I've alsO nOticed is that stOckings alsO tend tO make sOme Outfits mOre apprOpriate; like imagine if I hadn't wOrn these stOckings with this faux leather mini? It wOuld be a totally different stOry!
tOday's Outfit is, by far, my favOurite fOr this week. I think it shOws the perfect cOntrast between my tOmbOy-ish ways and feminine side. What I had tO learn, and very fast, when I mOved tO Joburg was hOw tO rOck a hat. BefOre. hats used tO make me nervous [as I've mentioned in a previOus pOst] because my head is pretty small, yet my fOrehead is huuuge, sO it was a bit difficult tO picture myself in a hat. With the biting Jozi cOld weather, I wOuld be faced with the dilemma Of chOosing between earmuffs and hats. Earmuffs are NOT fOr me [my issue with my ears is a stOry fOr anOther day], sO it was a pretty ObviOus choice.

sO gully!

I think, this is my first time wearing a beanie! nOt tOo shabby fOr a virgin :)

Friday, June 7, 2013

It's breakfast tiiime :)*

Breakfast has tO be my favOurite meal Of the day! It literally sets the tOne fOr the rest my day... well that and how I feel abOut the Outfit that I'm wearing.
I'm gOing thrOugh a phase where I put either cinnamOn Or cayenne pepper [Or bOth, if the meal allows] On whatever I'm eating. I always used tO question hOw people cOuld substitute cinnamOn fOr sugar, but I totally get it nOw! Well, I am One Of those peOple, sO it Only makes sense that I dO.
In terms Of breakfast cereal, I've always been a big fan Of bran flakes [that's if I'm nOt having cOcO pOps *facepalm*], I think they taste really gOod and keep yOu full fOreveeeever!
On the Other hand, I've never really been intO Oatmeal, I used tO think it was tOtally disgusting; until I realised that I can have it raw with a bit Of yOghurt and a handful Of nuts, my faves being almOnds and cashews.
Okay, sO tOday's breakfast is a half Oatmeal and half bran flakes, sOme Greek yOghurt, half a banana and a sprinkle Of cinnamOn.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Check up On it*

This Outfit is literally 'sOmething Old, sOmething new, sOmething borrowed, nOthing blue.'!
I gOt the tartan plaid sweater and the Prince of Wales check pants frOm my mum's closet. I'm not a big fan of pumps, but I seem tO have a thing fOr red shOes, with tassels and maybe a buckle, sO I fOund myself with this pair. I "bOrrOwed" the rOund shades frOm my sister, after I'd lOst mine :(.
The guys at the Office like this Outfit, they say it makes me lOok a bit mOre mature. Pfff whatever that means!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Alonso Mateo*

I've never made the fact that I want bOy children a secret, I just think they're sO much mOre fun tO dress up and [quite frankly] play with!
I've been seeing pOsts abOut this bOy's style arOund the blOggersphere and I've tried tO ignore it but, it must be said: Alonso Mateo dresses better than many grown men I've seen and knOw. He is always On trend, if nOt ahead Of the pack and just carries himself with such swag! Ohmigizzle! This kid is freshness persOnified.
What I absOlutely die fOr abOut his style is that it's versatile; he dOesn't just rOck One lOok, he has a number Of lOoks that he perfects! And fOr me, that is a definitiOn Of true style.
Luisa Fernanda Espinosa [his mOm] is bOss!! I'm literally like: Mason whO!!??

the bOy even takes selfies!!

dO yOu nOt die!!??

Alonso & his ever sO chic mum!

And I will say this, my kid has nO chOice but tO be this fresh! The baby daddy is just gOnna have tO deal.

Pleats & bOws*

 sO, yesterday, I decided that since I didn't really like the quality Of pics that are taken frOm my ipad I'd bOrrOw the services Of a mOre gifted photographer, with better equipment. In my ignorance, I was alsO On sOme: "it doesn't really matter what kinda stuff he usually shOots, a gOod phOtO is a gOod phOto!". Little did I knOw!! This guy's fOcus was all Over the place, he was getting mOre Of the landscape in than my actual Outfit! I ended up nOt being able tO use a single pic!
With my tail between my legs and ipad in hand, I returned tO Sindi [Our receptionist] and asked her tO take snaps Of tOday's Outfit. Between my limited experience as a mOdel [and wack-ass pOses] and her amateur photography, we did what we cOuld and this might be the best pic Of the lOt:

What I like abOut this get up is that unlike many Of my lOoks, it's pretty clean and there isn't much happening except the bOw and the pleats. The bag is extremely feminine with the frills and all; and my hOusemate [Junior] says I lOok like a "really gOod girl" ahahah.